Monday, August 2, 2010

♥ Beverly Hills, Lace Design ♥

Hello again!
With no update on Sunday [Sorry about that!]
I'll put up two designs up for today!
These designs were made by LOVE4NAILS on Youtube.

The lace design.
I had no black at the time so I settled for pink.
I used Beverly hills pink for this.
And heres a swatch of it!

I actually really love this pink !

For my second design, the design I went to England with!
Also made my LOVE4NAILS.

Thats all for now!

♥ AnnKiins.


  1. Oooh, I looove the two-toned pink with the dots and flowers. That's gorgeous!

  2. Awww, the second design is adorable! I love the little flowers, I'm gonna have to try that one!

  3. You should go to LOVE4NAILS youtube page~
    She has the tutorial up ^^
    LOVE4NAILS has like, the best designs ever!
    I love her <33

  4. I'll have to check her out. Thanks for the suggestion!
